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Našli sme 22 titulov

Live in Your Garden

Live in Your Garden (e-kniha)

Are you looking for inspiration for a new garden, or do you want to do something with the one you already have? Or is it that you just want to daydream and let yourself be carried away by beautiful garden scenes? Zobraziť viac

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Rus - Ukraine - Russia

Rus - Ukraine - Russia (e-kniha)

Anglický překlad proslavené knihy vychází s podporou Edice Václava Havla. České vydání autor věnoval s mediální pozorností prezidentovi ČR Zemanovi pro potřebné poučení. Kniha vysvětluje hlavní body ruských kulturních... Zobraziť viac

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The Torah / Law Is a Journey

The Torah / Law Is a Journey (e-kniha)

Ivana Procházková, Karolinum (2021)
Using Cognitive and Culturally Oriented Linguistics to Interpret and Translate Metaphors in the Hebrew Bible

Svým tématem stojí kniha na pomezí lingvistiky a teologie. Po základním přehledu teorií, na nichž je založena následná analýza, rozebírá metafory obsažené v konceptualizaci hebrejského výrazu ???? (tóra/zákon) a... Zobraziť viac

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Primer of Happiness

Primer of Happiness (e-kniha)

Pavel Hirax Baričák, HladoHlas
The Return to OURSELVES

“Your soul yearns to be loved. By you.” In a simple form suitable for first-graders, this book explains the principles of self-acceptance, forgiveness, positive thinking, “letting go” of your parents, understanding illness, dissolving pain... Zobraziť viac

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Primer of Happiness 3

Primer of Happiness 3 (e-kniha)

Pavel Hirax Baričák, HladoHlas (2016)
Adults to kids, kids to the world

The third part of the Primer of happiness is not intended only for parents that are looking for a way, with what form to give their descendants the best, but also for souls that want to understand why there are fears in them, why they act the way they... Zobraziť viac

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Yoga and Buddhism in the life of a contemporary person

Yoga and Buddhism in the life of a contemporary person (e-kniha)

The theme of this book is Yoga and Buddhism as a way of life. It is a small selection of texts that Květoslav Minařík wrote during three decades as answers to the questions and problems of those interested in the spiritual life and spiritual teachings. Zobraziť viac

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The Birth of the State

The Birth of the State (e-kniha)

Petr Charvát, Karolinum (2013)
Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China

This book targets the problems of emergence and stabilization of the earliest state bodies in the pristine statehood foci of the Old World - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Charvát takes his readers through the essential economic, political... Zobraziť viac

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Creating with Python

Creating with Python (e-kniha)

Are you interested in studying a new popular programming language? Do you know that Python is used in Google, Facebook and CERN? This e-book follows not only the didactic principles, but also encourages creativity and playfulness... Zobraziť viac

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Instrumentality and values in sport

Instrumentality and values in sport (e-kniha)

Publikace se zabývá rolí instrumentálnosti ve sportu a jejím vlivem na sportovce. Instrumentálnost je definována vztahem: prostředek-cíl, a je diskutována z hlediska logiky sportu. Jsou analyzovány dva druhy instrumentálnosti... Zobraziť viac

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The Chattertooth Eleven

The Chattertooth Eleven (e-kniha)

Dnes už klasická povídka Eduarda Basse z roku 1922 vychází nyní i v anglickém překladu. Autorkou dodnes aktuálního převodu, který se vyznačuje tvůrčím a hravým přístupem k Bassovu jazyku a zároveň věrností stylu originálu... Zobraziť viac

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Defend Yourself

Defend Yourself (e-kniha)

Individual defence techniques are in this book. They'd looked for solutions for the most frequent attacks. The self-defence experts suggested these techniques. Civilian people tested them. The best techniques are written down in this book. Techniques... Zobraziť viac

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E.V.Č.A.... - anglická verze

E.V.Č.A.... - anglická verze (e-kniha)

Wanda Vorlová, Plot (2018)
Start your soul and body

Are you in pain? Do you feel tired? Are you overstrained? Try my solution: on your sofa, at work or when traveling. “A very interesting piece of exercise, after which you are able to get into mental and physical wellbeing in a short period of Zobraziť viac

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Mandala and History

Mandala and History (e-kniha)

Luboš Bělka, Muni Press (2017)
Bidia Dandarovich Dandaron and Buryat Buddhism

Kniha přináší originální zpracování unikátního materiálu, který vznikl v polovině sedmdesátých let 20. století a v angličtině nebyl dosud monograficky publikován. Původní vizuální analýza pracuje jak s historickými... Zobraziť viac

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Photographing step by step

Photographing step by step (e-kniha)

Do you aspire to take excellent photographs? Knowledge of the fundamentals of photography composition can help you to achieve it. The book is accompanied with 130 illustrative photographs with comments that provide you with an insight to the... Zobraziť viac

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Stories From Beneath The Acacia

Stories From Beneath The Acacia (e-kniha)

Kniha plná pútavých príbehov a krásnych fotografií pozýva čitateľa do Afriky. Talentovaná autorka bola celé štvrťstoročie dobrovoľnícky i profesionálne spojená s viacerými africkými krajinami, predovšetkým... Zobraziť viac

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Spartakiads (e-kniha)

Petr Roubal, Karolinum (2020)
The Politics of Physical Culture in Communist Czechoslovakia

Jak silně spartakiády z let 1955 až 1985 navazovaly na tradici sokolských sletů? Nakolik byla účast v nich dobrovolná a jak byly celkově oblíbené? Byly oslavou komunistické ideologie? I na tyto otázky odpovídá kniha Československé... Zobraziť viac

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Cur homo?

Cur homo? (e-kniha)

Vojtěch Novotný, Karolinum (2014)
A history of the thesis concerning man as a replacement for fallen angels

This monograph has set itself the goal to examine, outline, elucidate, and supplement the existing body of knowledge concerning a theme from patristic and medieval theology recalled in 1953 by Marie-Dominique Chenu, and that is the assertion that man... Zobraziť viac

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Religious practices in the Japanese mountains

Religious practices in the Japanese mountains (e-kniha)

Zuzana Malá, Muni Press (2019)
From fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society

Kniha uvažuje o japonských horách jako o místech náboženských úkonů. Autorka čtenáři nabízí pohled na historický i současný stav náboženských praktik, pričemž nezanedbává ekonomický aspekt jejich vývoje. Zobraziť viac

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The Gospel according to me

The Gospel according to me (e-kniha)

Viliam Majda, Viliam Majda
I found out what God wanted to inform man about

I've always been looking for Sense. It seems to be God. Despite people trying to write their opinions into the Bible, He managed to make sure that in His book there were such thoughts and indications for us that He wanted. Zobraziť viac

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Women of the wild garden

Women of the wild garden (e-kniha)

Zuzana Vaľovská, Zuzana Vaľovská
they were part of a grander plan and have a right place in the Genealogy of Jesus

Book full of exceptional women. Many avoid them, another don´t even know about their existence. How can disobedience, jeaolusy, affectation, preference to one of the children, prostitution, rules overrun, cheating on husband and murder save a... Zobraziť viac

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