Po megaúspešnom debute, prvej časti fantasy young adult trilógie prichádza mladá americká spisovateľka s nigérijskými koreňmi Tomi Adeyemi s pokračovaním ságy, ktoré je ešte viac nabité akciou a prekvapivými zvratmi deja! Zobraziť viac
Children of Virtue and Vengeance is the breathtaking second title in Tomi Adeyemi's YA fantasy trilogy, Legacy of Orisha, following her ground-breaking, West African-inspired debut Children of Blood and Bone. After battling the impossible, Zelie... Zobraziť viac
Children of Virtue and Vengeance is the breathtaking second title in Tomi Adeyemi's YA fantasy trilogy, Legacy of Orisha, following her ground-breaking, West African-inspired debut Children of Blood and Bone... Zobraziť viac
Children of Virtue and Vengeance is the breathtaking second title in Tomi Adeyemi's YA fantasy trilogy, Legacy of Orisha, following her ground-breaking, West African-inspired debut Children of Blood and Bone. After battling the impossible, Zelie and... Zobraziť viac