Disc 1 (Act 1) — 14 tracks, currently live on all platforms:1. Enemy (with J.I.D) (from the series Arcane League of Legends)2. My Life3 Lonely4 Wrecked5 Monday6 #17 Easy Come Easy Go8 Giants9 It's Ok10 Dull Knives11 Follow You12 Cutthroat13 No Time for Toxic People14 One Day Akt 2 obsahuje 18 ďalších skladieb vrátane nového singla „Bones“. Disc 2 (Act 2) — 17 tracks1. Bones2. Symphony3. Sharks4. I Don't Like Myself5. Blur6. Higher Ground7. Crushed8. Take It Easy9. Waves10. I'm Happy11. Ferris Wheel12. Peace Of Mind13. Sirens14. Tied15. Younger16. Continual (Ft. Cory Henry)17. They Don't Know You Like I Do