Meet Punpun Punyama. He's an average kid in an average town... Zobraziť viac
Město světel je normální japonské sídliště. Jeho obyvatelé pracují, baví se, chodí do školy, žijí a umírají. Vlastně,... Zobraziť viac
Když Meiko s partnerem a většinou přátel ukončila univerzitu, nebyla zdaleka připravena na vstup do společnosti. Jsou shrbená záda v bledé záři monitoru její jedinou budoucností? Stává se člověk dospělým, teprve když položí... Zobraziť viac
Meiko a její přátelé se musí vyrovnat se situací, která jim obrátila život vzhůru nohama. Vší silou podporují jeden druhého, ale bude to stačit, když je stále více pohlcuje realita všedního života? Naštěstí tu však jsou noví... Zobraziť viac
A dark coming-of-age tale where slice-of-life slices back. This is Punpun Onodera’s coming-of-age story. His parents’ marriage is falling apart. His dad goes to jail and his mom goes to the hospital... Zobraziť viac
This is Punpun Onodera's coming-of-age story. His parents' marriage is falling apart. His dad goes to jail and his mom goes to the hospital.He has to live with his loser uncle. He has a crush on a girl who lives in a weird cult... Zobraziť viac
Punpun is having a coming-of-age story, but look out—his slice-of-life adolescence slices back... Zobraziť viac
This is Punpun Onodera’s coming-of-age story. His parents’ marriage is falling apart. His dad goes to jail, and his mom goes to the hospital. He has to live with his loser uncle... Zobraziť viac
Meet Punpun Punyama. He's an average kid in an average town. He wants to win a Nobel Prize and save the world. He wants to go far away with his true love. He wants to find some porn. But Punpun's life is about to unravel... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again... Zobraziť viac
This is Punpun Onodera’s coming-of-age story. His parents’ marriage is falling apart. His dad goes to jail, and his mom goes to the hospital. He has to live with his loser uncle. He has a crush on a girl who lives in a weird cult... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary... Zobraziť viac
College graduates struggle to cope with the real world. Music offers refuge in this modern manga with an American attitude... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary. Wow, it's the end of the world! Everyone is so screwed... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary. The collaboration between the S.E.S. and... Zobraziť viac
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary. The Occult Club's trip to the seaside has been a great chance for Kadode and.. Zobraziť viac